School Visits

Have author, Laura Brown, come to your school/class to read her newly published picture book, The Only Cold Place in the House or her first picture book, That’s NOT How You Do Ballet!

Author Reading Visit Includes:

  • 30-40 mintues per group/class (JK-Gr3)

  • Engaging and interactive reading of That’s NOT How You Do Ballet! and/or The Only Cold Place in the House

  • Discussion of the main themes of the story including connections, interests, emotions, listening to parents and determining what’s important

  • Having the students move around like the characters in the story

  • Discussing the process of inspiration, writing and publishing a picture book, at respective grade levels

  • Donated book to school library

  • Bookmark for each child in class

  • Follow-up classroom resources available on website

Author Workshop Visit Includes:

  • 1.5 hour workshop (Gr3-Gr8)

  • Engaging and interactive Publishing Workshop: Steps to Becoming a Published Author

  • Discussing of the steps involved to publish, from generating ideas to formating to publishing

  • Donated book to school library

  • Bookmark for each child in class

  • Lunch with Laura (30 minutes beyond the 1.5hr workshop) - select a few passionate, studdent writers to join Laura after the workshop where she will read and offer feedback/next steps to their writing and potential publishing journey


Fill out the form below.

Author Reading Visits $250:
Includes 3, 40 minute time slots for JK-Gr3

Author Workshop Visits $300: Includes 1.5hr publishing workshop (+30min small group after)

GET ONE OF YOUR VISITS FOR FREE! With 16 or more book orders the visit fee will be waived.
Book order forms will be provided to be sent home prior to the author visit. All books will be signed by the author and a distributed the day of the event.


Fill out the form below.